Self-care Classes
Live Virtual Group Classes from the Comfort of your home
Strengthen the core of who-you-truly-are, as you flow, mold and balance your energy. Practicing, not to become perfect, but to expand, grow and evolve - because You are an evolving perfection.
While ME time is an enjoyable and inspiring way to get your daily DOSE of natural chemicals, coming together as a group for this is a whole new experience. As Gabrielle Bernstein reminds us, “The shared intention of the group elevates each individual. When one or more gather with the intention to heal and grow, great shifts can occur.”
Shalom Yoga
Mo, We, Fr: 08:00 - 09:00 AM
Tu, Th, Sa: 06:15 - 07:15 AM
Shalom Yoga is a traditional form of Yoga; a journey towards holistic wellness. It includes Yogasanas, Surya Namaskar, Chandra Namaskar, Pranayama, Meditation and Relaxation techniques, which help develop a keen awareness of the mind-body-spirit connection.
It helps improve strength, stamina, balance and flexibility; mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. The awareness and attention to one’s breath, learning how to guide ourselves inward, the slow, rhythmic, steady postures; the silence, relaxation, stillness, facilitate general well-being.
Mindful Meditations
Mo, Th: 07:00 - 07:30 PM
Prayer is talking to God. Meditation is listening to Him.
​To listen through meditation is to go within and listen to our inner guidance. It's about transitioning from mind full to mindful. If the mind is a garden, then meditation helps tend to this garden, weeding out the voice of fear, and planting new seeds, consistently nurturing this garden and allowing it to bloom and blossom.
Our Mindful meditations are about being in the present moment - being present to our inner voice and its unconditional guidance. Sessions involve conscious breathing, guided imagery, affirmations and relaxation.
Yoga Nidra / Mindful Relaxation
Tu, Fr: 07:00 - 07:30 PM
Yoga Nidra, Deep Rest or Divine Sleep is a state in which you allow your body to let go of stress response, and train it to respond to relaxation. Thus returning the body to its natural state of well-being. With regular practice, the energy within the body is regulated and you begin to experience the aspects of prana (life force), which are love, wisdom, light and energy.
The side effects of this being, happiness, peace, calm, relaxation, balance, harmony, and an overall sense of good health. Thus, strengthening your relationship between you and your Spirit, your Source, your God.
Singing Bowl Therapy
Wed: 07:15 - 07:45 AM
Singing Bowl Therapy works on vibration and is an alternative way of healing the body. The principle of this therapy is resonance and hence also known as vibrational healing. The sound waves create a vibrational frequency that interacts with the body at a cellular level to help transform unhealthy cells to a healthier state of being.
Our practice uses vibrations of vocal sound, Tibetan singing bowls and other instruments. It’s a non-invasive method that relieves stress and revitalizes the body. It helps lower blood pressure, improve circulation, respiration, quality of sleep and enhances energy levels.
Joyful Breathing
Mo, Fr: 07:15 - 07:45 AM
Eligibility: Joy of Breathing Workshop
Our Joyful breathing sessions give you a 30-minute breathing work out, activating your respiratory system for more delicious oxygen.
The sessions combine breath awareness meditation and joyful breathing techniques.
Vortex Meditation
Sat: 08:00 - 09:00 AM
Eligibility: Let Life Work for You​
Creating time to meditate is an enjoyable and inspiring way to relax the body, calm the mind and connect to your Total-Self. Coming together in a group to meditate is a whole new experience. As Gabrielle Bernstein reminds us, “The shared intention of the group elevates each individual. When one or more gather with the intention to heal and grow, great shifts can occur.” Each week the group engages in a shared theme, intentions, guided meditation, journaling, as well as learning from each other's life experiences.